
Source Code: All source code described on this website can simply be copied into your oTree project from the code block at the bottom of this section.

Step 3: Embedding the function

Next, the send_payment_mail() function has to be embedded in the Subsession class of the file. The following section explains how the function works, how it can be modified and how it has to be integrated in the Subsession class of your oTree app.

Initial set up

First, enter your SMTP account credentials in the #CONSTANTS section of the function.

  • MAIL_USER & MAIL_PASS: There are two ways to enter your SMTP account info. Either enter a API key and secret key combination or enter your SMTP account email and your password.

  • MAIL_SERVER: Enter the the name of the SMTP server of your provider. You can find the server’s name in the SMTP configuration settings of your SMTP account. The Mailjet server is called “”, the SendinBlue server is called “”.

  • MAIL_SENDER: Enter your SMTP validated email address here. It is possible to enter the same email address for MAIL_USER and MAIL_SENDER.

  • MAIL_PORT: Enter the port through which a connection to the server is established. Various ports are possible, click here for an overview. We found that port 465 works best for us. If you have troubles with port 465, try port 587.

  • DONATION_MINIMUM: The minimal possible donation to make is 1 cent. This value must not be changed.


The function requires the following six parameters:

  • self: self is required by all functions in the oTree framework. It has no explicit use within this particular function.

  • weight_to_donate: A float value used to pass the amount of carbon emission that is saved by the experimental participants.

  • unit: A string value that defines the unit of the saved carbon emission. The following values are accepted: ["mg", "g", "kg", "t", "oz", "lbs", "st"]

  • experiment_name: A string value that specifies the name of the experiment (e.g. “Carbon Emission Task”).

  • payment_e_mail_name: A string that specifies the name of the person or team that receives the mail.

  • payment_e_mail_to: A list containing the mail addresses of all recipients . If the mail is only to be sent to one address then a single string can be passed to the function.

Sequence of events

  1. The weight_to_donate value is converted to metric tons. The conversion is based on the unit value.

  2. The current CO2 price per ton for emission certificates is fetched from a price endpoint that is provided by Compensators.

  3. The price of the carbon-emission certificate is calculated.

  4. The contents of the email are defined.

    • The mail subject includes the experiment_name parameter.

    • The mail body includes the payment_e_mail_name parameter as an initial greeting. Furthermore, the body includes the total weight of carbon-emission saved, the current price per ton for carbon-emission certificates, as well as the link to Compensators donation form with the correct price to make the carbon-emission certificate purchase. These contents can be changed at will.

  5. A connection to the SMTP server is established and the email is sent to all recipients specified in the payment_e_mail_to list.

Add the function to your Subsession class

Simply insert the function into the Subsession Class of your file. The Subsession class should look something like this:

class Subsession(BaseSubsession):


    def send_payment_mail(self,
                          weight_to_donate: float,
                          unit: str = "t",
                          experiment_name: str = "Experiment Name",
                          payment_e_mail_name: str = "John Doe",
                          payment_e_mail_to: list = [""]):

        MAIL_USER = "API key or SMTP account email"
        MAIL_PASS = "API secret key or SMTP account password"
        MAIL_SERVER = "SMTP Mail server here e.g.: ``"
        MAIL_SENDER = ""
        MAIL_PORT = 465

        #UNIT CHECK:
        unit_list = ["mg", "g", "kg", "t", "oz", "lbs", "st"]
        if unit not in unit_list:
            raise Exception("unit parameter ", unit, "not recognised. Unit has to be in ", unit_list)

        if unit == "mg":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate / 1000000000
        if unit == "g":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate / 1000000
        if unit == "kg":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate / 1000
        if unit == "t":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate
        if unit == "oz":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate / 35273.96198069
        if unit == "lbs":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate / 2204.62262185
        if unit == "st":
            weight_in_tons = weight_to_donate / 157.47304442

        price = 0
            price = requests.get("").json()
            if 'price_per_ton' not in price:
                raise Exception("Price not found in data")
            price_per_ton = float(price['price_per_ton'])
        donation_in_cents = weight_in_tons * price_per_ton

        if donation_in_cents < DONATION_MINIMUM:
            print("The donation is less than 1 cent, therefore too small. No Mail was sent.")


            #Define the body of the mail
            body = f"""Hello {payment_e_mail_name},

The participants in your experiment: "{experiment_name}" donated {weight_to_donate:.3f} {unit} of CO2 Emission.
This equals to {weight_in_tons:.3f} tons of CO2. At the current price of {(price_per_ton / 100):.2f} € per ton this sums up to a total donation of {(donation_in_cents / 100):.2f} €.

To authorize the payment, please click here:{donation_in_cents}

Best Regards
The Automated Donation system :)

            email_text = f"Subject: [{experiment_name}] Please confirm the donation for the experiment\n\n{body}"

                #CONNECT TO THE SMTP SERVER:
                server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(MAIL_SERVER, MAIL_PORT)

                #LOGIN TO THE SMTP SERVER
                server.login(MAIL_USER, MAIL_PASS)

                #SEND THE EMAIL
                server.sendmail(MAIL_SENDER, payment_e_mail_to, email_text.encode('utf8', 'ignore'))
                print("Your mail has been sent successfully")

                print("Unable to send mail")

In order to call the function some additional set up in your code is needed.